Tag: apple
How to Turn Off Safe Sleep
First find your current sleep setting by opening Terminal in OS X and entering this at the prompt: pmset -g | grep hibernatemode That should return you something like “hibernatemode 3”. Remember this number, send an email to yourself, write it down on a scratch pad, whatever it takes to remember your default mode. Mode…
Fix Front Row Crash while playing divx avi
While watching a tv series encoded with divx, in avi package format on a Macbook installed with Leopard, I noticed that Front Row would randomly crash and return to the desktop. First step in investigating what was causing the crash is to look at the syslog. Open up Terminal (Applications => Utilities => Terminal) Go…
Joining Split files on Mac
With large files, sometimes it’s easier handling them split into many smaller files. In order to rejoin the files one typically uses a file joining program. I came across two that could possibly perform file joins: MacHacha and Split & Concat. Turns out that MacHacha has some issues, perhaps related to Leopard, as after reaching…
Why Apple is Selling More Macs
Vista sucks. OS X rocks. Web Apps. Mac Bling. Mac at Last Gen PC Price. Bootcamp parachute. Points 1 & 2 are self-explanatory. 3. Web Apps People are no longer afraid of not being able to run their Windows apps because… nearly everything is becoming a web application. The only thing you need to run…
Safari Fastest Browser on Mac
So something that came as a bit of a surprise to me was that on certain sites, Safari is 4-5x faster than Firefox on page rendering. Recently I’ve been doing lots of work on SalesForce.com and I was thinking: “Man, their site is hella slow”. After talking with a friend in Paris accessing the same site, but…
Dual Boot OS X Leopard Tiger (10.5 10.4) Installation
The following is a summary of how I created a dual boot setup of OS X Leopard (10.5) and Tiger (10.4) on a MacBook Pro, keeping the original Tiger installation intact and available through alt/option booting during system startup. Always Always Always make a backup before you try any shenanigans like I do below. The…