Category: instructions
Android Studio Permanently Change Debug Configuration for Working Directory $MODULE_DIR$ and app:assembleDebugUnitTest
On Mac OS X, Android Studio’s default debug Unit Test build configuration generally doesn’t run with default settings complaining that: AndroidManifest.xml not found or not a file; it should point to your project’s AndroidManifest.xml To fix this error you need to edit your debug configuration to set Working Directory as $MODULE_DIR$ and it makes builds…
Android Studio – Failed to Sync Gradle project – Fix
Matching SDK versions identified in build.gradle (Module: app) with the SDK versions you have installed via SDK Manager, then “Sync Now”, will fix most Android Studio build errors. Common Android Studio build errors: Failed to Sync Gradle project Failed to find target android-21 Install missing platform(s) and sync project If you’re building / running someone else’s project…
Android Studio Git Clone Push Pull Repository
For personal development in Android Studio, using BitBucket as remote repository here’s my VCS workflow using Git. Android Studio VCS setup for untracked project: VCS -> Import into Version Control Create Git Repository Add files & directories to track in Git, using File Explorer (left window) Since these are personal private projects, git add all Android…
Undelete Mac Files Free
To undelete Mac files free, here is a step-by-step guide to using a free Mac undelete program called Photorec by Christophe GRENIER of CG Security. (Huge thanks to Christophe for making this program and making it free to the world.) Overview – Undelete Mac Files Free Download Mac undelete program – photorec/testdisk Unzip program Use Terminal program to run…
Linux do-release-upgrade Checklist Recover from Broken Pipe
Before a do-release-upgrade in Ubuntu Linux, here’s a quick checklist of todo’s: Backup important files (apache sites / log files / conf files, PHP .ini files, databases, cron scripts, .bash_aliases, .profile, upstart scripts) Clear up enough space for upgrading (usually around 1GB) Open up a secondary SSH window and alternate port for firewall if you get…
ls sort by date modified os x
Sorting directory or file listing by date last changed/modified on Mac OS X (with long listing & attributes such as size & permissions): ls -latc On linux: ls -laSt
Linux copy all hidden files directories keep permissions
cp -rp /source-dir/. /destination/ -r = recursive -p = preserve /source-dir/. = dot means the entire directory contents, including hidden files
Bash move-jump word forward backward iTerm
In bash terminal, to skip forward or backward whole words you need to send meta + f and meta + b, but Mac’s don’t have alt keys, rather option. iTerm allows you to change option to meta under profiles (or globally in Keys). Change option key to meta shown below and you’ll be able to…
aptitude package manager – how to use tutorial
Debian / Ubuntu linux visual package manager, a step-up from apt / apt-get command line for installing your LAMP server. Navigating aptitude with hot keys ? – help screen with partial list of hot keys l – filter packages (lower case L), shows only packages / – search, places cursor (within context of all packages)…
Secure Delete Files in Terminal on OS X
Securely delete files on Mac OS X in the Terminal by using srm: srm <filename> This will delete the file, then rewrite random data over the spot on the hard disk where the file was previous stored several times to prevent any file recovery attempts. A regular delete using rm in the Terminal will only…